Thursday 2 January 2014

New Year Resolutions: Marriage and Relationship

We all do it; well most of us anyway, make New Year resolutions. This New Year, I am positive it’s no different. We should also make resolutions to improve our relationships and marriages. If you have not already made New Year’s resolutions in this area of your life, these are my suggestions. 

Quality Time Together is Necessary
As we try to work on our other resolutions; as couples, too often we are too busy taking care of other things and often times do not spend enough time and effort in quality alone time together. I am suggesting more date nights this year, arrange for a baby sister, if you have children and use the time to reconnect and fall in love with each other again. Money should not be an issue, quality time alone at home after putting the children to bed will also be appreciated by your spouse.

Forgive Quickly and Forget Always
If you have things you need to apologize for from the past year, do so ASAP! Leave the grudges behind and start the New Year afresh. Be mindful not to bring up past grievances, remember to forget after forgiving. This will make you and your spouse happier.

Approach the Throne of God Together
Seem like I bring him up a lot in my posts, but no doubt he is absolutely necessary in our relationships. It’s very special hearing my husband talk to the Lord about my issues. It means he is listening and/or pays attention. An added bonus; the bond in marriage is strengthened, unity is encouraged, and marriages are changed for the best. The list could go on.

Upgrade the Bedroom
When I say this, yes I mean improve on your sex life. But I'm also suggesting maybe redecorating the bedroom. Change the wall colour to a warmer colour, new bedding, curtains etc. If the bedroom is warm and inviting, I'm sure everything else sexually will improve.

Say the Words “I Love You” Daily
Though this is important, your actions must reflect the truth in your words. It’s nice to be reminded you are loved, especially if you are not in a good mood.

No two relationships or marriage is the same. So, I encourage couples to adjust their New Year’s resolutions according to their special needs and wants. 

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